Comments: Dear Alain, Thank's for taking so much time to work on your wonderful website! Greetings to France, your friends Sylvi & Olaf
Admin reply: Thanks Sylvi and Olaf for your great contributions to my website!
Added: April 27, 2012
Submitted by Name: Agrumi From: Germany E-mail: Contact
Comments: Dear Alain Brochart, as always a joy to visit your page and a pleasure be in contact! Sincerely yours Agrumi (B.) P.S.: Is this Kaptcha strong enough against Spam?
Admin reply: For sure I do hope the Kaptcha is strong enough, but only time will tell!
Name: os-orchids, Olaf & Sylvi
From: Germany
E-mail: Contact
Dear Alain,
Thank's for taking so much time to work on your wonderful website! Greetings to France, your friends Sylvi & Olaf
Admin reply: Thanks Sylvi and Olaf for your great contributions to my website!