Relative Sizes
The page you have discovered gives you an idea of the relative
size of the different Phalaenopsis species. The two photographs
below were made with Phalaenopsis flowers, which were scanned at
the same resolution and then assembled into single pictures.
This first picture was made with flowers from plants
I have grown myself. It took me literally years to put it together.
My original idea was to only preserve the dried flowers, and then
I had the idea of scanning them. When I saw the result, I wondered
what might be the result of using freshly cut flowers... |
And here is the initial result, which I found even better!
The colors are well preserved, and details in the form and pattern
of each flower can be seen more clearly. I find this way of looking
at and comparing different species very informative. I hope
you find this as exciting as I do. When more of my plants bloom,
expect to see this page updated! |
It has taken longer than I anticipated, but here are two new comparison
photos with 20 new flowers. My appreciation and thanks to Mr. Bernard
Lagrelle of Les Orchidees Michel Vacherot for the Phalaenopsis borneensis,
coringiana, floresensis, maculata and viridis.