Submitted by Name: Craig Wright From: Vero Beach, Florida, USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Love your site and will bookmark it! I have three ir four fuschia to pink color Phalaenopsis but my local grower just takes what they can get so I have no idea what types of Phalaeopsis they are - don't suppose I can send a jpg?
Added: May 17, 2020
Submitted by Name: Felicia From: Italia E-mail: Contact
Comments: Amo le orchidee. Ho in casa circa 25 piante di phalaenopsis e continuerei a comprarne altre. Fra due anni andrò in pensione e spero di avere più tempo per questa mia passione. Non sono riuscita a vedere tutto ciò che c'è in questo sito ma è bello sapere dove andare ad informarmi se cerco qualcosa. Grazie
Submitted by Name: Felicity From: Australia E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi there! I’ve been browsing Phal species on the internet and was lucky enough to find your page. I just thought I would let you know that the link from your homepage to the ‘species’ page Would not work for me. I am using my iPhone (in case that matters). Cheers! Felicity
Added: March 31, 2020
Submitted by Name: Kari * * * From: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thank you so much for offering this service, the photos of the various color forms of the species are so beautiful. I really appreciate having this reference. Thanks again!
Name: Suze Taylor
From: Houston TX
E-mail: Contact
This website is well done! Thank you for all the information and the photo identifications.