Submitted by Name: Sandi setiadi From: Indonesia E-mail: Contact
Comments: Terimakasih situs web anda sangat membantu saya
Added: October 18, 2019
Submitted by Name: Michel Kockelkoren From: Nederland
Comments: I would like to thank you for this beautiful website. It is really a great pleasure to look at it and see how the various species are formed. Very well done !!
Where are you located? Do you have many Phalaenopsis species in your nursery?
I am living in the Netherlands, and am addicted on this family since I had my first P. stuartiana…
Added: August 27, 2019
Submitted by Name: Judith Clark From: Ireland E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thank you for a great informative website I love many different types of orchids and it's great to be more educated on the background of the phalaenopsis the species and numerous hybrids. I can now look at a phalaenopsis and have an idea through looking at your site at it's parentage, fascinating thank you.
Added: August 11, 2019
Submitted by Name: Rafael M From: Florianópolis - Brazil E-mail: Contact
Comments: I loved all the pictures and information! Unfortunately here in Brazil it is very difficult to find Phalaenopsis species, or even identfied hybrids. Just a few species are common in cultivation and even though not easy to find for shop. Hope some day I'll be able to own a huge collection of these amazing plants. Congrata for the web site!
Added: March 14, 2019
Submitted by Name: Darlene Warner From: Michigan E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thank you
Added: January 9, 2019
Submitted by Name: Lerchbacher Franz From: Graz Austria E-mail: Contact
Comments: Eine sehr schöne Seite
Added: December 20, 2018
Submitted by Name: Elisa Aprili From: Tuscany, Italy E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thank you for all your efforts to improve and spread the phalaenopsis knowledge all over the world!
Added: November 18, 2018
Submitted by Name: Michael Bull From: Wolverhampton, England E-mail: Contact
Comments: What a wonderful website, species & primary hybrids just what growers need.
Added: July 14, 2018
Submitted by Name: Dada From: USA
Comments: Love your website. Thank you for the excellent work. I reference it all the time when i want to look up a phal species or primary
Added: April 7, 2018
Submitted by Name: Kelly Duguay From: USA E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thanks for all your hard work ! I enjoyed everything in your website . I also now need to have a few more phals !
I was looking for a certain style of bloom that I still haven't found. One of my phal. Kaleidoscope has unique closed petal (the left and right middle two). I've been researching that style of flower and am coming up empty . Maybe you have an answer ?
Name: Sandi setiadi
From: Indonesia
E-mail: Contact
Terimakasih situs web anda sangat membantu saya